Source code for timetable.ical

Low-level functions to parse iCal data into an object representation.

from io import BytesIO

def iter_entries(icalfile):
    entry = b''
    start = 0
    for lineno, line in enumerate(icalfile):
        if line[0:1] in (b' ', b'\t'):
            entry += line[1:].rstrip()

        if entry:
            end = lineno
            lineinfo = ('%d' % (start + 1)
                    if start == end else '%d-%d' % (start + 1, end + 1))
            yield lineinfo, entry
            start = lineno

        start = lineno
        entry = line.rstrip()

    yield lineinfo, entry

[docs]class Item(object): """Represents an iCal item.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type self.entries = [] self.items = [] def __getitem__(self, key): return [entry for entry in self.entries if == key] def __contains__(self, key): for entry in self.entries: if == key: return True return False
[docs]class Entry(object): """Represents an iCal entry.""" def __init__(self, name, attrs, value): = name self.attrs = attrs self.value = value
[docs]def parse_ical(icalfile): """Parses the *icalfile* and returns a list of :class:`Item`. *icalfile* may be a :class:`str` or a file-like object.""" if type(icalfile) in (str, bytes): icalfile = BytesIO(icalfile) root = Item(b'__root__') stack = [root] for lineinfo, entry in iter_entries(icalfile): key, value = entry.split(b':', 1) # Parse attributes. key_parts = key.split(b';') key = key_parts[0].lower() attrs = {} for attr in key_parts[1:]: attrkey, attrvalue = attr.split(b'=', 1) attrs[attrkey.lower()] = attrvalue # Unescape value. # TODO This is probably not the complete set of escape rules. value = value.replace(b'\\n', b'\n') value = value.replace(b'\\,', b',') if key == b'begin': item = Item(value.lower()) stack[-1].items.append(item) stack.append(item) elif key == b'end': if stack[-1].type != value.lower(): raise ValueError('Invalid END tag in line %s. Expected ' '%s but got %s' % (lineinfo, stack[-1].type, value.lower())) stack.pop() else: stack[-1].entries.append(Entry(key, attrs, value)) return root.items
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from pprint import pprint with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: pprint(parse_ical(f))